
St Patrick’s College Awards Night

On Tuesday last St Patrick’s College held their annual award ceremony. The event was attended by a large audience. The night opened with the Principal Mr Cronin welcoming everyone and highlighting his pride at being principal of a school with…

Hiking in Morocco

In May 2015 a group of 5 students from St Patrick’s College along with their teacher Eleanor Troy completed an 8 day adventure in the Atlas mountains in Morocco. The team completed a 4 day self supported wilderness trek and spent a day repairing…

Caith Amach É sa Scoil

Inné, 22-04-15, tháinig lucht drámaíochta ‘Caith Amach É’ chuig an scoil chun seó a chur ar siúl do lucht na hidirbhliana. Bhí an tríú bliain agus an cúigiú bliain páirteach freisin. Ar dtús, chuir siad seó bunaithe ar scéal…

TY Students to go to Morocco

Five TY students and their teacher Ms Troy are off to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco for a five day hike in May. They will be joined by students and teachers from two other schools. The girls will land in Marrakech and go from there to the Atlas…

DPS Engineering Student Progression Programme

After a rigorous selection process, St Patrick’s College has been chosen as one of four schools in Ireland to partner with DPS Engineering in developing a third level progression programme for senior cycle students. DPS Engineering has committed…

​Six Nations Trophy visits St Patrick’s College

The Ireland women’s rugby teams recently won the six nations tournament and the trophy was brought to the school by Fiona Hayes, a member of the team. Fiona works with the school in helping students with personal development and we were…