
​French Exchange Visit to St Patrick’s College

On 14th April, 1st & 2nd Year students welcomed their French pen pals to St.Patrick’s College. The French students are from Collège F. Mauriac situated forty kilometres from Paris. Both the letter writing exchange and the visits to St…

One Book One Community

1st Year girls recently read Alice & Megan Forever as part of the One Book One Community organised by Mayfield Library and St Patrick’s College. Kryzia Pablo wrote a review of the book and her teacher recommended it for publication on the…

Danielle McSweeney - County Champion in Boxing

Congratulations to Danielle McSweeney, a second year pupil who recently competed in the Cork County Boxing Championship. After five gruelling fights Danielle was crowned County Champion. We are very proud of Danielle and delighted that she reaped…

TY students and Aisling House Project

Residents and workers from the Aisling House Project in Mayfield recently visited St Patrick’s College for the second time this year. This time the theme was using old furniture and other material to make something new - up-cycling. The girls…

2nd Year Futsal

2nd Year girls recently took part in the inaugural North Side Futsal shield. A number of schools from the North side of the city took part in the tournament. The St Patrick’s girls were coached by Ms Kelly and performed really well coming in 2nd…

Make a Book

Our first years had been working on a project to enter into a City Hall exhibit: ‘Make A Book’. They started working on it at the start of January with their Maths teachers. Their project was called ‘Maths Is Everywhere’. It was on display…