
Tráth na gCeist i nGleann Maghair

An tseachtain seo caite, ghlac ochtar páirt i gcomórtas tráth na gceist i gColáiste an Phiarsaigh, i bpáirt leis an eagraíocht Feachtas. Bhí dhá fhoireann ag Coláiste Phádraig ann, ceathrar ón tríú bliain agus ceathrar ón gcúigiú…

Comórtas an Phiarsaigh.

Ghlac triúir páirt i gComórtas an Phiarsaigh i rith na seachtaine seo i gColáiste Chroí Naofa, Carraig na bhFear, agus b’shin craobh Chorcaí. Thosaigh Jessica Walshe mar chaptaen na foirne, lena Niamh Crowley ar aghaidh ina diaidh agus…

St Patrick’s College Mini Company Winners make the Echo

St Patrick’s College Mini Company Winners Obi made the Evening Echo on Monday last. The Feis also got some good coverage. Well done to all involved.

St Patrick’s Girls in UCC 2014

14 girls from a total Leaving Cert class of 34 went to UCC last September. While it is no surprise that so many St Patrick’s girls went to UCC, what is noteworthy is the range of courses that the girls chose to follow - from the traditional BA…

Feis Video 2

As part of the Feis Choláiste Phádraig in December, a number of Leaving Cert girls performed a number of Irish dances. The video has been uploaded to youtube. Or you can watch it here. Well done to the girls who worked hard to practice their…

Inter Schools Baking Competition

We are holding an inter-schools baking competition between St. Patrick’s College and Mayfield Community School. The classes participating from St. Patrick’s College will be the 2nd year Home Economics classes. The final of the competition will…