
Internet Safety Talk for Parents

The 4 schools on the St Patrick’s College Campus are organising a talk for all parents on the topic of online safety. The talk will take place next Tuesday Evening January 13th @ 7:00 pm in St. Patrick’s College Secondary School. Damien…

Caith Amach É

An tseachtain seo caite. bhí cuairteoirí againn i gColaiste Phádraig; Niall agus Seán ón ngrúpa drámaíochta Caith amach é. Is aisteoirí iad an bheirt acu a scríobhann le High Rock Productions, agus a ghlac páirt sa sobalchlár Ros na…

Feis Choláiste Phádraig

An tseachtain seo caite, d’eagraigh Coláiste Phádraig feis i bpáirt leis an mbunscoil. Bhí ar na cailíní dán a rá, agus chan cuid dóibh amhráin iontacha agus chas cuid eile dóibh rince dúinn ar an árdán. Tháinig formhór na…

TY Student wins work placement in Bar Council

TY student Niamh Crowley has been selected for a place in the Bar Council TY work placement scheme in Dublin. For that week, Niamh will shadow a barrister as they go about their work in the busy Bar Council in the Law Library of the Four Courts in…

Mini Company Winners

Budding young entrpreneurs from St. Patricks had the opportunity to showcase their mini-companies at the annual Christmas trade fair at Blackpool Shopping Centre as part of the Schools enterprise Awards. The SEA are the biggest enterprise awards…

Spike Ball Success

St Patrick’s College 1st Year Girls took part in a spike ball tournament recently and won all five matches are now through to the next round of the County Cork competition. The girls beat teams from other parts of Cork City including North Pres…