
Attendance Awards in St Patrick’s College

On Monday last, we had an attendance awards ceremony in St Patrick’s College where attendance awards were presented to girls who had full attendance in November by Tony O’ Connor, the Education Welfare Officer. There were attendance…

Geography Table Quiz

3rd Year Girls from St Patrick’s College took part in a Geography Table Quiz that took place in Christians last night. The girls finished eighth out of 30 teams. Well done girls and thanks to Mr Murphy for organising.

31 Years Unbroken Attendance

Well done to Rachel Bunney - Leaving Cert, Niamh Crowley - TY and Aisha Bunney - 2nd year for their attendance awards that they received from the Lord Mayor recently. Rachel has 12 years unbroken school attendance, Niamh has 11 years unbroken…

Diary of a Head Girl

Head Girl Mary Quill writes about her experiences in Leaving Cert so far. The year is absolutely flying, only a week left until Christmas exams start, so serious pressure is on, between orals, projects, finishing course work and trying to get a…

First Year Christmas Crafts

Class 1B have come up with Christmas craft gift ideas and are using household items that they have recycled and decorated to make seasonal crafts. One group of girls are making Krazykandles from recycled glass bottles and the other group are…

LCA International Food Fair

The LCA class recently held an international food fair as part of their Hotel & Catering module. Each girl chose a country and undertook to cook a dish from that place and present it to staff and students in the form of finger food at lunch…