
Christmas Exams 2017 Timetable

Click on CHRISTMAS EXAMS to see the timetable. Click on the tabs at the bottom to see the different year groups.

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Form 2018

Click HERE to upload your Other Learning Experiences.

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement

Students who took the Junior Cert in June will receive a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) after they receive their results. The JCPA contains the academic results, the assessment grade in the Class Room Based Assessments and the…

Maths Week for Parents

Maths Week Puzzles for Parents!!! Return to Lizanne with 3 correct answers and you could win a €20 Dunnes Voucher!! Click on Maths Week Parents Puzzles. Return to Lizanne MacArtain - Home School Links. Best of Luck!

School Uniform Survey for Students

The school board of management wants to get the opinions of students in regard to the school uniform. Please click on the link to fill in the survey below. SCHOOL UNIFORM SURVEY

School Brochure 2017

Our 2017/18 school prospectus can be viewed online HERE.