
Junior Soccer Success

Well done to the 2nd and 3rd year girls who took on Nagle Community College and beat them 3-1. Kaitlin Ross scored all three goals and the team in general played very well.

School Lunches Survey

Click on School Lunches Survey to fill out the survey. Completing the survey will help us improve the lunch offering to students.

Friendship Week 1st Year Rap

1st Years worked on rap song with Garry McCarthy from GMC Beats in a recent workshop. The overall theme was friendship and the girls did a really good job. Click on Real Friends to listen to the song.

School Prospectus 2016

Click on School Prospectus to find out about St Patrick’s College.

Open Night 2016 - Tueday 4th October

The Open Night for parents and students will be on Tuesday 4th October. Parents & students in 4th, 5th and 6th class are invited to come along and meet our students & teachers.

Well done to Leaving Certs 2016

Well done to the class of 2016 and especially to Kamila, Kate, Aimee, Niamh and all of the girls who won places in UCC, CIT and other colleges in Ireland and abroad. They have done themselves, their families and their school proud. You can view…