St. Patricks College, Gardiner's Hill, Cork,
Ireland, T23 HX04
Phone: (021) 450 3055
[email protected]
VS Ware

Caith Amach É

An tseachtain seo caite. bhí cuairteoirí againn i gColaiste Phádraig; Niall agus Seán ón ngrúpa drámaíochta Caith amach é. Is aisteoirí iad an bheirt acu a scríobhann le High Rock Productions, agus a ghlac páirt sa sobalchlár Ros na Rún freisin. Tugann siad cuairt ar scoileanna timpeall na tíre chun taispeántas a dhéanamh ar na sraith pictiúirí ata ar chúrsa na hárdteiste, agus bíonn orthu an seó a athrú bliain i ndiaidh bliana leis na pictiúirí difriúla. Tháinig siad chugainn anuraidh ach i mbliana bhí an seó difriúil agus bhí gach duine ar bís nuair a thainig siad chugainn arís. Rinne siad cur síos greannmhar ar na sraith pictiúirí ar fad agus bhain na cailíní an-taitneamh astu, agus na múinteoirí dár ndóigh. Bhí cúpla cailín páirteach sa seó freisin agus chaitheamar an t-am ar fad ag gáire. Tá seó nua acu i mbliana don idirbhliain agus ta súil againn go bhféadfaidís filleadh ar Choláiste Phádraig go mbainfeadh cailíní na hidirbhliana taitneamh astu freisin.

Last week we had visitors to St. Patricks College; Niall and Seán from the drama group Caith Amach É. They are both actors who write for high rock productions and who once acted in the show Ros na Rún. They visit schools around the country doing a show based on the picture sequences on the leaving certificate course, and they must change the show every year to keep up with the current pictures. They came to us last year but this year the show was different and everyone was excited when they returned. They put on a great and funny show of the picture sequences and the girls enjoyed it, as well as the teachers. Some of the girls took part in the show and we spent the morning laughing. They have a new show this year for transition year students and we are hopeful that they can come back to us so that the fourth year girls can enjoy them too.