
Hiking in Morocco

Hiking in Morocco

In May 2015 a group of 5 students from St Patrick’s College along with their teacher Eleanor Troy completed an 8 day adventure in the Atlas mountains in Morocco. The team completed a 4 day self supported wilderness trek and spent a day repairing footpaths in Ait Souka village. The girls were chosen by the school through application form and interview and completed intensive training before they went. They also raised money for the community project they worked on while trekking in the mountains, which was the repair of footpaths in a remote mountain village. The girls were assisted by their teacher Ms Troy, who is an experienced mountaineer and a team of experts from the adventure travel agency Earth’s Edge. St Patrick’s College would like to sincerely thank the Tomar Trust and Earth’s Edge for making this trip possible. Well done to the girls for taking on the challenge of trekking in a remote area of Morocco coming through with flying colours.

Jessica Walsh was one of the expedition team members and she wrote about her experiences here:

Morocco Schools Expedition 2015

Back in January I arrived home from school with a question for my mom, “Could I apply to go on a school trip?” Without lifting her eyes from a very crucial level of Candy Crush she replied “Yes Jess no bother”. Her reaction was a little different later that evening when I mentioned I might need vaccinations for my “trip” as I was one of the lucky ones chosen to join the 2015 Schools Hiking Expedition in May.

This brilliant opportunity was organised by James Mc Manus and his company Earth’s Edge who receive funding from the Tomar Trust, Asthma Association of Ireland and BITC Ireland.In total there were 15 students from St. Patricks College, St. Aidan’s Community College and St. Vincent’s Secondary School granted this amazing chance of a 7 day trip to Morocco which included 4 days trekking and a day’s community work in a village called Ait Souka repairing their footpaths. Needless to say I grabbed this opportunity with both hands.

After intense training in the months leading up to our departure date, including climbing Galtee Mor, we finally felt ready. So on May 3th at 4p.m. we departed Dublin’s Terminal 1 for Marrakesh. Little did I know what was ahead of us!!!

In the 7 days that followed, armed only with our backpacks, food rations, tents and a map we were faced with a massive challenge of a 50km hike over 4 mountain passes in 4 days. It was harder than any of us ever expected as we soldiered through the high Atlas Mountains in 35◦ C heat, all without the Western luxuries we are used to like showers, flushing toilets and to our extreme horror Wi-Fi!!!

Yes our feet were blistered and our backs were sore. There were floods of tears and moments when we were ready to give up and go home, but being surrounded by the breath-taking scenery and such inspirational people we were spurred onto finish this crazy, exhausting but entirely rewarding journey.

It was far from easy but then nothing worthwhile ever is – this trip has taught me this and soooo much more.

I will be eternally grateful for being able to experience this and have made so many memories I will never forget.

Jessica Walsh – 4th Year