
Inter Schools Baking Competition

Inter Schools Baking Competition

We are holding an inter-schools baking competition between St. Patrick’s College and Mayfield Community School. The classes participating from St. Patrick’s College will be the 2nd year Home Economics classes. The final of the competition will involve the students cooking with a parent or adult. The parent’s role in the final will be be to help the student with the task. The theme will be ‘Healthy Scones’. We are delighted that Ryan’s SuperValu in Glanmire have generously agreed to sponsor this competition. They will provide ingredients and prizes. The final is due to be held in St. Patrick’s College on Tuesday, February 3rd. Declan Ryan of the Arbutus Bread Company has agreed to judge the final. Ryan’s Supervalu Glanmire will also take part in the judging.This competition is a great way for your daughter to prepare for next year’s Junior Cert Home Economics cookery exam so this is a great opportunity for parents to encourage and help their daughter.