
St Patrick’s College Awards Night

On Tuesday last St Patrick’s College held their annual award ceremony. The event was attended by a large audience. The night opened with the Principal Mr Cronin welcoming everyone and highlighting his pride at being principal of a school with such an abundance of talented students, interested parents and dedicated staff. He noted the great team effort by the organising committee in hosting such a successful event. Mr Cronin observed that the ceremony allowed the college to give back to the community by showcasing and rewarding its students’ talent.

The college recognised the achievements of students in a broad range of areas which included academic, sporting, artistic, merit, attendance and extra-curricular awards. Pupils received awards from their teachers and year heads. The best Junior Cert was awarded to Jessica Walsh and the best Leaving Cert was awarded to Lisa Murphy who is now pursuing her studies in bio- chemistry at U.C.C. Two sisters Rachel and Aisha Bunny were rewarded with full attendance for 12 and 9 years respectively. The Spirit of St Patricks award is presented to the student who best embodies the ethos of the school, Linda Pentony received the award. Special Awards were presented to 8 students who participated in Irish, Maths, Science and European languages in U.C.C.

Every year a distinguished past pupil addresses the gathering; this year it was Valerie Finnegan Cahill, proprietor of the IKON hair salon. She was introduced by Mr Cronin who commended her on maintaining her links with the college, especially in fundraising for ‘MellonEducate’ a charity which raises money for building schools in developing countries. Valerie praised the enthusiastic staff and warm friendly atmosphere of the school: commended students on their many achievements’ and the staff for their hard work and commitment. She said the secret of success was to discover what interests you and follow your passion. Valerie has won many awards and accolades including being awarded ‘Irish businesswoman of the year’, but she said being honoured by her old school was the highlight of her very distinguished career.