
Tráth na gCeist i nGleann Maghair

An tseachtain seo caite, ghlac ochtar páirt i gcomórtas tráth na gceist i gColáiste an Phiarsaigh, i bpáirt leis an eagraíocht Feachtas. Bhí dhá fhoireann ag Coláiste Phádraig ann, ceathrar ón tríú bliain agus ceathrar ón gcúigiú bliain. B’iad Kelly Manning, Ciara McAulliffe, Kelly O’Driscoll, Helen Quill, Megan Condon Anderson, Anne Dunlea, Fiona Earle agus Sasha Donovan. D’eirigh go hiontach leo ann agus bhain siad an-taitneamh as an rud. Bhí an comórtas gear toisc go raibh siad in iomaíocht leis na gaelscoileanna, ach bhí an-obair déanta acu le hiníon ní Chéileachair. Tá taithí iontach faighte acu anois agus tá siad ag tnúth go mór le Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Last week, eight of our students took part in a table quiz in Coláiste an Phiarsaigh, organised by Feachtas. St. Patrick’s College were represented by two teams, four girls from third year and four from fifth year. They were Kelly Manning, Ciara McAuliffe, Kelly O’Driscoll, Helen Quill, Megan Condon Anderson, Anne Dunlea, Fiona Earle and Sasha Donovan. The girls did very well and they enjoyed the evening. The competition was tight as they were competing against the Gaelscoils, but they had done a lot of work with Miss Kelleher. They got great experience from the competition and they are looking forward to Seachtain na Gaeilge.