
TY Awards Night

TY Awards Night

Well done to TY Class of 2016 on their fantastic awards night. It was a celebration of all that they achieved and experienced this year. Young Social Innovators was included as a new module and it has been a major success. A few weeks into September, the girls decided that they would investigate and raise awareness about Human Trafficking and they decided to work with the Sexual Violence Centre downtown. We knew the project was going well when we learned that the girls convinced the Lord Mayor to fly the YSI Human Trafficking flags outside City Hall for a week in February. Their project was focused on raising awareness of human trafficking and fund-raising for the Sexual Violence Centre. The girls reached the finals of YSI in Dublin, an event that they really enjoyed. As well as YSI, other TY events included: Young Economists of the Year (who received silver medals for their Economics projects on tourism in Paris post the terrorist attacks), Green Fashionistas, Shoe Box Appeal and the school sleepover to raise funds for Missing Persons. In addition to the modules, the girls also take their 7 academic subjects in the morning, which gives the St Patrick’s TY programme a mix of the academic and extra-curricular focus. Each TY student was interviewed by teachers and presented their file and portfolio. The picture shows Katie Moynihan with Mary Crilly from the Sexual Violence Centre. For more photos of the TY Awards Night, please click on TY Awards Night 2016.